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ADA Accommodations Request


Fully completed ADA requests for testing accommodations and repeat accommodations MUST be submitted with your electronic bar exam application, pursuant to Regulation 10 of Rule 8.08. This means ALL forms and supporting documentation must be uploaded to your user home page with your application submission. Requests for accommodations which are not complete or not timely filed shall be rejected. Extensions will not be granted and late requests will not be considered.


It is the policy of the Missouri Board of Law Examiners to provide accommodations in testing conditions to qualified applicants with disabilities, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, to the extent such accommodations are timely requested, reasonable, consistent with the nature and purpose of the examination, and necessitated by the applicant's disability.

  • Each applicant's request for accommodations is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

  • The board may have any request for test accommodations, together with all supporting documentation, reviewed by an expert(s) in the appropriate area of disability for a fair and impartial professional opinion.

  • After review of your request is completed, you will receive a letter advising whether you have been granted test accommodations.

  • If your request is granted, the letter will detail the accommodations that are being provided and you will be requested to affirmatively accept the accommodations.

  • If your request is denied, the letter will explain the reasons and will set out the procedures and time limit for seeking reconsideration.

The Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended (ADA) defines a person with a disability as someone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

The Purpose of Test Accommodations

The purpose of test accommodations is to provide equal access to the bar examination. Test accommodations means an adjustment or modification to the standard testing conditions that alleviates the impact of the applicant's functional limitation on the examination process without fundamentally altering the nature of the examination; imposing an undue administrative or financial burden on the board; compromising the security, validity, or reliability of the examination; or providing an unfair advantage to the applicant with the disability. While the use of accommodations on the bar examination presumably will enable the applicant to better demonstrate their knowledge mastery, test accommodations are not a guarantee of improved performance, test completion, or a passing score.


Requesting Accommodations

If you have a disability for which you need to request accommodations to take the bar examination, read the GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR REQUESTING TEST ACCOMMODATIONS. Links to these INSTRUCTIONS and all FORMS can be found below.


Repeat Accommodations for Retake Applicants

If you have been granted accommodations for a previous Missouri examination, there is no material change in your condition, and you are requesting the exact same accommodation previously granted, to reapply for accommodations for the current examination you need to take the following steps:

(For repeat accommodations requests only) 

  1. Mark YES to questions 5a-c on your online Retake Exam Application;
  2. Complete a FORM 8 - Request for Repeat Test Accommodations; and
  3. Submit the FORM 8 with your electronic bar exam application.  The FORM 8 may be uploaded to your MBLE user homepage.  Requests for repeat accommodations which are incomplete or not timely filed shall be rejected.  No extensions will be granted for accommodation requests, and no late requests will be considered.

If you have not been granted previous test accommodations by MBLE or you are requesting new or different testing accommodations, follow the instructions contained in the General Instructions for Requesting Test Accommodations  and complete the appropriate Forms 1-7 (do not fill out Form 8).

If you have been granted accommodations for a prior Missouri bar examination but the nature of your disability is changeable, in addition to completing Form 8, you may also be required to provide medical documentation regarding your current functional limitations and ongoing need for accommodations. MBLE may require additional documentation for any request for repeat accommodations for the purpose of assessing an applicant’s current level of impairment and need for accommodations.


Instructions:General Instructions for Requesting Test Accommodations
Form 1:Applicant Request for Test Accommodations
Form 2:Learning Disability Verification
Form 3:Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Verification
Form 4:Psychological Disability Verification
Form 5:Visual Disability Verification
Form 6:Physical Disability Verification
Form 7:Certification of Accommodations History
Form 8:Request for Repeat Test Accommodations